University of Massachusetts Lowell

Lowell GIRO Data Center (LGDC)

LGDC Space Data Policies


Radio Plasma Imager (RPI)

Lowell RPI Intelligent Resident Archive (LRIRA)

1. The NASA IMAGE Radio Plasma Imager telemetry (Level 0) and calibrated records (Level 1) are U.S. Public Domain without copyright restrictions on their use, except the following regulations:

1.1. As NASA materials, RPI data may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA or by any NASA employee of secondary commercial services based on RPI data.

1.2. NASA should be acknowledged as the source of its material.

1.3. NASA insignia may not be used without permission.

2. The NASA IMAGE Radio Plasma Imager derived products (Level 2) and visual products produced by LRIRA software tools are intellectual property of LRIRA as of a NASA subcontractor for the RPI Level 2 data acquisition, management, quality control, and visual presentation.

2.1. All RPI plasmagram-derived and spectrogram-derived data products at LGDC are Level 2 data.

2.2. All LRIRA Level 2 data products are provided with the name and organization of the Project Scientist responsible for their creation.

3. The Level 2 LRIRA data products are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-SA).

3.1. The CC BY-SA licensees are granted the right to copy, distribute, display, and make copies of the data into the same or another format.

3.2. Users can reuse and build upon the data products, for non-commercial and commercial purposes, with the following attribution given to the creator of the Level 2 copyright work.

3.2a. LGDC should be acknowledged as the source of Level 2 material in publications, presentations, and reports.

3.2b. For data use statistics, all published material should reference LRIRA by including the following publication in the list of references:

Galkin, I. A., G. M. Khmyrov, A. V. Kozlov, and B. W. Reinisch, Intelligent resident archive for RPI Level 2 data, in Radio Sounding and Plasma Physics, AIP Conf. Proc. 974, 111-117, 2008

3.2c. Level 2 data users are encouraged to consider a joint authorship with the RPI Project Scientists as indicated in the data annotation in those cases where the retrieved data contribute significantly to the publication.

4. The Level 0 data and Level 1-2 products derived from the data are supplied by LGDC without warranties, expressed or implicit. In no event shall the LGDC be held liable for any damage or loss of any kind resulting from the use of the data or derived products.